Sep 10, 2024
Alrededor de un 20-40% de las personas con Parkinson experimentan algún tipo de alucinación o delusión en algún momento de su recorrido por la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP). Aunque en la actualidad los estudios no indican que la comunidad hispanohablante de la EP corra un mayor riesgo de desarrollar estos síntomas,...
Aug 13, 2024
Allied health professionals are a group of healthcare providers whose role and expertise complement the work of physicians. These include specialists such as physical and occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, nutritionists, and many more. They are just as important as your Movement Disorders...
Jul 9, 2024
A hospital stay can be a stressful situation for everyone, whether you are the person receiving care or the support person providing comfort. People with Parkinson’s (PD) are at a higher risk of hospitalizations, so it is crucial to be prepared ahead of time for when the situation arises. The Parkinson’s...
Jun 25, 2024
Los trabajadores de salud comunitaria (TSC o CHW, por sus siglas en inglés) o promotores ayudan a cerrar la brecha entre los profesionales de la salud y los miembros de la comunidad proporcionando educación y recursos culturalmente competentes y relevantes a la comunidad local. Desempeñan un papel vital en...
May 28, 2024
Gene-based therapy for Parkinson’s disease is an area of research that is currently being developed. It works by introducing genetic material into the brain, which can then “instruct” cells to produce compounds that can potentially alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s. Although years have gone by since the first...