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Substantial Matters: Life & Science of Parkinson’s

Dec 28, 2021

In this podcast episode, we ‘Meet the Researcher’, featuring a prominent investigator who has received support from the Parkinson's Foundation. We illustrate how a research career develops, what motivates people to study what they do, and to give some insight into what support from the Parkinson’s Foundation...

Dec 14, 2021

People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) may experience mental health problems, such as depression, apathy, and anxiety more frequently than the general population. Psychosis, such as delusions or hallucinations, may occur as part of the disease or from medications used to treat it. Fortunately, these conditions are...

Nov 30, 2021

Neuropathy is a broad category of non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD), basically resulting from damage or dysfunction of one or more nerves. It typically may result in numbness, tingling (“pins and needles”), pain, or weakness in the area served by the specific nerve or nerves. Some pain sensations may...

Nov 16, 2021

En honor al Mes Nacional de los Cuidadores Familiares, en este episodio, hablamos con Ruby Rendon, Coordinadora de Alcance Hispano en el Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center y cuidadora principal de su mamá, Corina Villalobos, que hace ya 15 años fue diagnosticada con la enfermedad de Parkinson.


Poco después del...

Nov 2, 2021

For many years, Western medicine focused on disease and on keeping people healthy. Then it evolved to view the “whole person,” including the physical, mental, emotional, social, and environmental aspects of one’s functioning. Today’s medicine goes even beyond that model and encompasses the family, especially...