Jul 9, 2024
A hospital stay can be a stressful situation for everyone, whether you are the person receiving care or the support person providing comfort. People with Parkinson’s (PD) are at a higher risk of hospitalizations, so it is crucial to be prepared ahead of time for when the situation arises. The Parkinson’s Foundation recently created the Hospital Safety Guide, which is the updated and improved version of the former Aware in Care kit. The Guide incorporates information from the kit, but now highlights the “Five Parkinson’s Care Needs”, which is a tool for communicating your needs and priorities with hospital staff. It also includes a Hospital Planner checklist with step-by-step instructions on how to create a hospital “go bag” for emergencies. The Guide provides infographics and real-life examples from people with Parkinson’s and loved ones who have solved common problems relating to their PD when in the hospital.
In this episode, Annie Brooks, Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Parkinson’s Foundation, discusses features of the new Hospital Safety Guide and how best to use it.